Tyler Gaw gives a shit

The most important thing to know about me as a designer, developer, and human is that I give a shit and act accordingly.

I care about the type and quality of work I’m putting out into the world. It’s important that I believe in the motivations and goals of the projects I work on and the people I work with. I have plenty of practical skills and experience, but the quality of caring is what makes me a great designer and developer.

On Design

It’s hard to say you’re a Designer these days without putting a word in front of it. I may not have held the titles, but I practice; Product, Web, Graphic, UX, UI, and Interaction design. The lines between each are blurry. For each project they may happen on their own, all at once, or not at all. I take a people-first approach to them all. I make every design decision thinking about how it will affect the human that it’s for.

On Development

Programming is a means to an end. I have ideas and want to see them come to life. I use code to make those ideas reality. That doesn’t mean that I approach programming as a craft with any less enthusiasm or care as design. I push myself to learn new languages, frameworks, and practices. No language is off limits and I don’t shy away from learning difficult concepts. Development technologies are in constant flux and I love it.

Design to me is about influencing human behavior. I use my skills to encourage, engage, entertain, entangle, envelop, and enrage.


Made in

Only the Highest Quality

Services Provided

Web Design • Development • Leadin’ • Writin’ • Figurin’ • Hollerin’

100% Bullshit Free

  • What I know like the back of my hand

    • Design

      The start of everything. I do Product, web, graphic, UX, UI, and interaction design.

    • HTML

      The OG. The backbone of the Web. Accessibility and semantics are more important today than ever.

    • CSS

      Responsive by default. Enjoy Sass but will use any preproccesor that works or none at all. I use it to push boundaries.

    • JavaScript

      Been writing it since “DHTML” days. Unobtrusiveness before cleverness. Currently working day-to-day with React + Redux setups.

    • Tinkerin’

      I sketch, draw, and doodle. I make collages. I spend a ton of time in my head dreaming about all the things that are possible.

  • What I know enough to get the job done

    • Node.js

      Been playing with it since v0.4. Will use it for odd hacks.

    • PHP

      My first programming language. Used it non-stop for three years. Spent quality time with Zend Framework. Will break it out for all quick and dirty projects.

    • Ruby/Rails

      Latest acquisition. Said “yes” to a ROR project. Put my nose in a book and learned it. A fun language and framework. I look forward to using it more.

    • Python

      Love its syntax and packages. Will use it to build tools to aid in my laziness.

About This Site

I staked my claim on this piece of Internet property in 2006. Since then I’ve maintained this site as my portfolio and blog. You can access the source code for it here. If you’re interested in that sort of thing.

This is the fifth iteration. The previous versions are a testament to how much I’ve grown and how high the bar has been raised for quality in Web Design.

  1. 2011-2014
  2. 2009-2011
  3. 2007-2009
  4. 2006-2007